Friday, March 17, 2023



Heard an expert in the field say that the label "Non GMO" means almost nothing and that it's more of a marketing tool than anything else. Anything that's labeled "organic", though, does have to meet certain federal government standards. I noticed this morning that my favorite brand of black beans does actually carry the OCIA Certified Organic label.


  1. Admittedly I dislike any kind of bean.

  2. Your food looks good. It is lunchtime for me.

  3. No he probado nunca ese alimento. Cada territorio tiene sus propias costumbres culinarias. Yo elaboro las comidas típicas de mi tierra y en Andalucía hay una amplia variedad. Las gentes que nos visitan quedan encantados de nuestra gastronomía.
    Feliz fin de semana.

  4. I’m a fan of red beans, especially with rice cajun-style.


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