Friday, March 24, 2023

In the Air


Spring is definitely in the air. All you had to do yesterday was to breathe deeply and to feel the pollen threatening to choke you. Still, the sun was out and the temperatures, for a change, were actually beginning to edge up into the category of what I would call true spring. Nice! Even the birds seemed to be loving it as they appeared almost everywhere, singing and chirping--Mockingbirds, Towhees, Bluebirds, Nuthatches, Chickadees, to name only a few of them that I saw.


  1. It is cool here but the Cardinals having been singing their hearts out.

  2. Es de gran belleza, las flores primaverales, pero afecta mucho el aire que se respira a las personas alérgicas.
    Que tengas un buen fin de semana.


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