Thursday, January 9, 2025

Odds & Ends

Decorations down and safely packed away. Just a few odds and ends left. Interesting phrase, that. According to the Free Dictionary, it refers to:

"Fragments and remnants; a miscellaneous collection. This term may have originated as odd ends, meaning short leftovers from bolts of cloth. It was transferred to miscellany of other kinds by the mid-sixteenth century, and by the mid-eighteenth century it had become the modern cliché."


  1. Ahora me voy a disponer a recogerlas y guardarlas para el próximo año. Buen trabajo me espera.

  2. It is interesting to know the origins of the phrase.

    1. I use idioms oftentimes without really understanding their origins. Catching myself doing that again this morning made me think, "Hey, wait! What in the world does that mean? Odds and ends. :-)

  3. Interesting history on odds and ends, thanks for sharing.


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