Tuesday, February 13, 2024



"MK Pareve Kosher Certification is a kosher certification provided by the Montreal Kosher (MK) organization. The MK is a widely recognized and trusted kosher certification agency based in Montreal, Canada. The MK Pareve Kosher Certification is specifically focused on certifying food products as 'pareve' in accordance with kosher dietary laws."  -- Common Share

"Pareve (from Yiddish: פאַרעוו for "neutral", in Hebrew פרווה‎, and also parve and other variant English spellings) is a classification of edible substances that contain neither dairy nor meat ingredients." -- Wikipedia


  1. Interesting! Now I'm craving pancakes!

  2. Hay quien no tolera la lactosa de la leche y los alimentos deben estar bien eticado, para esos casos.
    Un abrazo.

  3. Well, the previous comment is similar to what I was about to say. I don’t tolerate cow milk, so I’m always glad to see the pareve designation.


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