Saturday, April 15, 2023

The Year That Broke America


Finished reading Rice's book. The cover actually describes the contents very well, showing how Rice weaves together several seemingly disparate stories into a single narrative, namely the year that broke America. That year being 2000. There is much here that any of us who lived through that period know very well: the Bush vs. Gore election and subsequent controversy, Trump's first forays into politics, plus events that frankly had receded into the dusty corners of my mind, namely Janet Reno's handling of the Elián Gonzalez case and, for instance, the sequence of events leading up to 9/11.

So, did all these events "break" America? Obviously not. Any country that can go through all of the above and still survive Covid is, in my opinion, doing well. Nevertheless, it serves us well to remember how we got to where we are and for that we can be grateful to authors like Andrew Rice for reminding us.


  1. Muy buen libro para leer. Ya lo has leído al completo y ahora hay que buscar otro buen libro para leer.

  2. That's sounds like a good read


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