Thursday, February 15, 2024

Morning Tea

Just now (this afternoon) finished reading Liz Cheney's book. By far and away, the most important thing she had to say (although everything she said before led up to her statement) are her final words:

"Every one of us . . . must work and vote together to ensure that Donald Trump and those who have appeased, enabled, and collaborated with him are defeated.

This is the cause of our time."

Wednesday, February 14, 2024


A pyx used for many years to hold the ashes for Ash Wednesday.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024



"MK Pareve Kosher Certification is a kosher certification provided by the Montreal Kosher (MK) organization. The MK is a widely recognized and trusted kosher certification agency based in Montreal, Canada. The MK Pareve Kosher Certification is specifically focused on certifying food products as 'pareve' in accordance with kosher dietary laws."  -- Common Share

"Pareve (from Yiddish: פאַרעוו for "neutral", in Hebrew פרווה‎, and also parve and other variant English spellings) is a classification of edible substances that contain neither dairy nor meat ingredients." -- Wikipedia

Monday, February 12, 2024

I Voted

Someone last year said that it seemed to her that we are constantly holding elections in the United States. It's true. We do have a lot of elections. There will be even more this year because of the number of primaries, caucuses, races for House and Senate seats, as well as, of course, for president. Today I voted in Virginia's presidential primary. 

Sunday, February 11, 2024



I've been "noodling" with this ink for quite a few months now. It was given to me as a gift by someone who knew of my fascination with fountain pens. So far, I will have to say that I've been impressed. Goulet Pens says, "This is an incredibly interesting ink with remarkable properties. In terms of its anti-feathering properties, it held up against even the dubious paper quality of the Moleskine notebook [my go-to paper]. It is still water based, so we can't guarantee that it won't ever feather, but it's your best bet if you are in a situation where you can't control the paper quality. It's an ink that could be good for any situation- work, school, journaling, art, you name it!"