Monday, June 26, 2023
Ice and Stone
Sunday, June 25, 2023
Saturday, June 24, 2023
Слава Україні!
This sunflower immediately makes me think of events reportedly taking place in Ukraine and Russia this morning. I doubt the world will be any better place as the result of the armed "rebellion" now supposedly taking place in Russia led by members of the extreme right. On the other hand, if it will divert any of Russia's attention and resources away from Ukraine's ongoing counteroffensive, then maybe, in strange way, it can ultimately serve to bring peace to that troubled region. We shall see. Слава Україні!
Friday, June 23, 2023
Thursday, June 22, 2023
Spotted this specimen on a trail near my home. Not too difficult to figure out how it got its name:
"The small, inconspicuous flowers of Jack-in-the-pulpit are borne on a fleshy, spike-like inflorescence called a spadix ('Jack'), which is enclosed (or nearly enclosed) by a large, sometimes colorful bract called a spathe ('pulpit'). The flowers are clustered around the base of the spadix inside the spathe. A sterile spadix appendix protrudes from the mouth of the spathe tube. The appendix is covered by the leafy tip of the spathe, referred to as the spathe hood (or spathe lamina). The lip along the mouth of the spathe tube, used as a landing platform for winged insects, is called the spathe flange." -- Wikipedia