Sunday, May 28, 2023



Started reading Meltzer and Mensch's book this past Tuesday. We're well into the plot by now with spies spying on spies who, in turn, are spying on still other spies. In the meantime, the authors are doing a rather masterful job at reminding us of how and why WWII progressed the way it did.

Thursday, May 25, 2023

Mild May

We're enjoying an unusually mild spring so far, with sunny skies and afternoon temperatures only in the low to mid 70s. Frequently I hear people passing me on my walks say things like, "Enjoy it while you can!" And I know exactly what they mean. The combination of heat and humidity that this region is known for is bound to return. In the meantime . . .

Monday, May 22, 2023

Sit a Spell


It seems that I have become quite obsessed with gardens recently. I happened to find this one a particularly nice place to sit and rest one fine morning this past week.