Thursday, May 25, 2023

Mild May

We're enjoying an unusually mild spring so far, with sunny skies and afternoon temperatures only in the low to mid 70s. Frequently I hear people passing me on my walks say things like, "Enjoy it while you can!" And I know exactly what they mean. The combination of heat and humidity that this region is known for is bound to return. In the meantime . . .


  1. I'm not a fan of heat and humidity.

  2. It has been a coolish spring here but hopefully that means that summer will be a bit cooler too.

  3. En mi ciudad, pasamos del frío al calor, en un abrir de ojos. Hoy en la feria hacía calor y unos días atrás, la lluvia hizo acto de presencia y refrescó bastante el ambiente.

  4. Lovely views. Our spring thus far has been on the cool side.


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