Thursday, April 6, 2023

Rectangular Steps


Again, part of a study, which maybe partly explains these weird photographs of steps! :-)

Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Round Steps


I took these photos as part of an informal study of approaches various people have taken with steps.

I have to say that I find these rounded steps particularly attractive and inviting. What do you think?

Tuesday, April 4, 2023



Just trying to keep up! Spring, it seems, is popping up everywhere now, all at once.

Monday, April 3, 2023




It's that season of the year again when lambs are beginning to appear. Just a day before this photograph was taken, I happened to run into one of the persons responsible for their care who was taking the newest addition to Colonial Williamsburg's flock, born literally moments before, with its mother to "the barn" where both were to be checked by a veterinarian before being returned to pasture. 

The sheep here, however, aren't just for show. Their wool is used for spinning locally. Also, unlike on some farms, these sheep are not destined for mutton. They are, instead, "retired" to local farmers who, I'm told, kindly look after them in their dotage.

Sunday, April 2, 2023



Dry-rotted and wearing thin, it was time again to replace my car tires. But which tires to get? And where to get them?

Those are the questions I faced on Thursday. Friday, I finally decided against simply asking my dealership to answer them. Instead, I went down to my friendly Goodyear Auto Service Center where, I think, I got a better deal. Better selection and better add-ons, like free wheel balancing and rotations as well as three years of free wheel alignments. The latter isn't so important, as I rarely need wheel alignments. Still, all of that came with maybe $100 off the price I probably would have paid at the dealership. So maybe it really does pay to shop around?

Saturday, April 1, 2023


This is no April fools joke! It's spring here in southeast Virginia and I'm definitely feeling it. My nose is stuffy and it feels like someone has wedged a ball of cotton between my ears! BUT, at least the scenery is nice and our local master gardeners are once again hard at work.

Friday, March 31, 2023

Location, Location, Location

This tree on the corner of Boundary and Prince George Street is a photographer's favorite in Williamsburg, partly, I suspect, because it is exceptionally beautiful and partly because it happens to be across the street from one of the town's most popular restaurants. As is true in so many cases, it's all about location, location, location.