Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Construction Zone


The Greensprings architects (aka beavers) have been re-imagining the swamp. You can see their most recent handiwork in the dam to the left. Their HQ, if you will, is in the background to the right. 

They've been at this job all winter, chopping down trees, hauling them to the construction site, putting them in place, all with the seeming blessings of our local authorities who evicted them from their original work site after their endeavors apparently threatened the integrity of a popular foot bridge. 

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Viola Swamp


When I saw this photo I took of Greensprings again this morning, I couldn't help but think of a character out of a series of children's books I used to read to my children. Miss Nelson (aka Viola Swamp) was a substitute teacher. Viola Swamp was a strict substitute teacher who always instilled order in a class full of rambunctious kids whenever Miss Nelson, the class' regular teacher, was away. So much so that the children always looked forward to Miss Nelson's return.

I personally can't ever remember a substitute teacher like "the Swamp". For me, it was always the other way around. It was the regular teacher who brought order out of the chaos the substitute teacher left behind. As an older adult, I now have a deeper appreciation for all that teachers, regular and substitute, have to go through to educate our children. As they say, if you can read this blog, thank a teacher! :-)

Monday, March 6, 2023

British Union


It was a cold west wind blowing a couple of days ago when I took this photo. We experienced gusts up to 30 mph. Great day for flag lovers! I believe the one that was flying on this occasion was the British Union Flag designed by King James and that was used in the American colonies from their inception and until 1775.

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Keen Targhee

Ready for my next 500 +/- miles.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Swamp Trees

Did you know that there are different types of swamps? It stands to reason, I guess, although, until now, I've never really given it any thought. But apparently it's true. According to one source I consulted, for instance, these bodies of water are usually named after their most dominant types of trees. I'm on a mission now to figure out what the dominant type of trees grow here in this swamp known locally as Greensprings.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Eighty-five Percenter


I've never really understood Lindsey Graham's turn from being one of the "three Amigos" (Graham, McCain, & Lieberman) to MAGA Republican. How could someone count McCain as a personal friend and, at the same time, maintain close relations with someone like Trump? 

In this chapter of Baker and Glasser's "The Divider", the authors explain how Graham's switch was the result of his desire to--in a word--remain "relevant".

Still, Trump has never believed Graham is entirely on his side, hence his use of the term "Eighty-five Percenter".