Saturday, January 11, 2025

Movin’ On

The last of the ornaments that I photographed before packing them away for the year. And with it, I think I’m about ready to move on. Lots happening this month and next, as I’m preparing to go on tour with a choir that will be singing in various places in England. Lots of music to learn and memorize. 

Then, of course, there are all the matters that have to be attended to when traveling overseas . . . uhm, like visas. A new law came into effect January 7 this year, I understand, that now makes it mandatory for Americans traveling to England to obtain visas. So . . . I spent a good part of this past Thursday going through the application process—successfully, I might add. Tricky, though, involving downloading and working with an app. 

Friday, January 10, 2025


Pondering this morning the full implications of this simple ornament.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Odds & Ends

Decorations down and safely packed away. Just a few odds and ends left. Interesting phrase, that. According to the Free Dictionary, it refers to:

"Fragments and remnants; a miscellaneous collection. This term may have originated as odd ends, meaning short leftovers from bolts of cloth. It was transferred to miscellany of other kinds by the mid-sixteenth century, and by the mid-eighteenth century it had become the modern cliché."

Wednesday, January 8, 2025


Well, it's time. My neighbors, I noticed, took all their decorations down after the turn of the year, whereas I kept them up through Epiphany. Today, though, they're all coming down, slowly but surely, and being packed away for another year. But I've photographed a few of them to share and enjoy for just a wee bit longer.