Saturday, February 4, 2023



It's cold outside. Okay, not nearly so cold as in other parts of the country. Still, it's cold enough to warrant sitting down with yet another good book and reading while enjoying a cup of hot tea. 

The book opens with Harding sitting down on the eve of the invasion with his friend and Ukrainian novelist, Andrey Kurkov, for a meal of borscht. Harding is convinced Russia is about to invade. Kurkov isn't. I'm curious to know more.

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Mrs. Stoughton


Interesting how Henry Hobson Richardson, the architect, preferred working with committees rather than individuals as clients, thinking that the latter were more open to reason. Hugh Howard writes: "Furthermore, the unpleasantness at the Stoughton project . . . had left Richardson with new reservations about working for individuals in general. Committees were one thing; his experience was that differences among a gathering of men could be addressed with sweet reason. But the concerns of private clients were too often dictated by inscrutable emotion." (Howard, pp. 252-53)

Makes me wonder if the renown architect may also have had a problem working with strong-minded women. :-)