Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Smoke Alarm

More home maintenance. Seems like I've been doing a lot of that lately. I guess it's time. All of the appliances in my house have a few years on them now. Still, I was a somewhat surprised to discover not only that I had to replace the battery in one of my smoke alarms, but that the whole unit needed to be replaced. Somewhat puzzled, I called Kidde's service personnel and was pleasantly surprised when they offered to send me a replacement (shown above) free of charge. Nice!


  1. These are very important, I have them around my home too.

  2. I have a couple of old ones that need replacing now too. I have already replaced a couple of others.

  3. Yes, they do go bad eventually. Sometimes the manufacturer can tell you if they are still under warranty by the model number.


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