Monday, July 15, 2024

Queen Anne's Lace

I grew up calling this plant Queen Anne's Lace, even though I recognized somewhere in the back of my mind that others called it Wild Carrot. In any case, I've always been attracted to its "lacy" appearance, which I just learned has its origin in a story about Queen of England: 

"Anne, Queen of Great Britain is the Queen Anne for whom the plant is named. It is so called because the inflorescence resembles lace, prominent in fine clothing of the day; the red flower in the center is said to represent a droplet of blood where Queen Anne pricked herself with a needle when she was making the lace." -- Wikepedia

The idea that Anne pricked herself with a needle making the lace strikes me as pure fiction. Still, it's a great story and only serves to further convince me to keep on calling this plant Queen Anne's Lace. :-)


  1. I have never noticed the red flower so will have to check these flowers out when they bloom here.

  2. Es unapreciosa planta, a la que le va bien ese nombre.
    Un abrazo.


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