Saturday, March 16, 2024

Red Mulberry


Red mulberry, "is a species of mulberry native to eastern and central North America. It is found from Ontario, Minnesota, and Vermont south to southern Florida, and west as far as southeastern South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, and central Texas. There have been reports of isolated populations (very likely naturalized) in New Mexico, Idaho, and British Columbia.

Common in the United States, it is listed as an endangered species in Canada, and is susceptible to hybridization with the invasive white mulberry (M. alba), introduced from Asia." -- Wikipedia


  1. I will have to google it to see what they look like. I don't have a mental image of one.

  2. Seguro que también sus frutos , si te descuidas mancha la ropa. me acuerdo que de pequeña, mi madre me advertía, que tuviera el cuidado de no mancharme.


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