Thursday, February 1, 2024

Bee Kind


Experimenting a bit here. Some guests recently left these containers behind, and I became interested in how the fluorescent light from above and to the left illuminated them.

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

About Time

Just finished reading Rooney's book. A curious work that uses "the history of clocks to look at capitalism, the exchange of knowledge, the building of empires and the radical changes to our lives brought by industrialization." Along the way, he introduces or, in some cases, re-introduces his readers to all kinds of time-keeping devices, including sundials, hourglasses, water clocks, time-finding telescopes, time signals, pocket watches, and, yep, even wristwatches.

Monday, January 22, 2024



From an article entitle The Great Road by Charles E Hatch, Jr.:

On May 13, 1607, the first permanent English settlers in the New World brought their three ships close to the shore at Jamestown Island, lying prominently in the James River, and began their settlement in Virginia. They established themselves in the western part of the island since here was much of the higher ground, particularly that bordering on the James, and consequently the most suitable part for settlement. It, also, was closer to the isthmus that then connected the island to the mainland, forming, as one contemporary author phrased it, a 'semi-island.'"

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Friday, January 19, 2024

Thursday, January 18, 2024



Haven't ventured out into the cold much in the past several days. This photo was from January 16, 2022. Just goes to show that this week in January is often one of the coldest of the year here.