Looks like it's going to be harder and harder to find one's shadow here in the next few days as rain and, yes, even a chance (small, probably remote) of snow are forecast.
Nice to see a little splash of color on an otherwise rainy and cloudy day. Looks like more clouds and rain are on the way for much of this week.
Started Alison Weir's book last night, the first book of hers that I can remember reading. I suppose it can be described as popular history, although I was intrigued by this snippet from the Wikipedia article about her:
"Weir argues that 'history is not the sole preserve of academics, although I have the utmost respect for those historians who undertake new research and contribute something new to our knowledge. History belongs to us all, and it can be accessed by us all. And if writing it in a way that is accessible and entertaining, as well as conscientiously researched, can be described as popular, then, yes, I am a popular historian, and am proud and happy to be one.'"