Saturday, February 8, 2025

40% Off

So I was told that I will need a pair of dark slacks for a formal dinner at King's College later this month only to discover that the pair I had -- uhm -- were, shall I say, not quite ready for prime time. What to do? 

Fortunately, there was a 40% off sale going on down at Bryant's. But could I have them in time for my departure next week???

"Yes," I was told.,"No problem." And, in fact, they did have them ready for me to pick up yesterday. Actually, they even had them ready the next day. I just couldn't go by to pick them up until yesterday. Whew!

But, hey! I wasn't quite prepared to discover how much more men's clothes cost these days. Sheesh! Even at 40% off!

Friday, February 7, 2025

Van der Kiste

Just finished reading Kiste's book: "In this first biography of the two monarchs for over thirty years, John Van der Kiste provides a lively and accessible account of their lives and times." -- Goodreads

Thursday, February 6, 2025


Yeah, so I'm guessing I wasn't the only one who thought Trump's proposal concerning Gaza an incredibly reckless idea. I mean, it may be one thing to raise something like this in a corporate board meeting where straw man arguments, I presume, are routinely tossed around and out. But it seems to me to be another thing altogether for world leaders to float such arguments, when they can and almost certainly will touch off eternal resentment. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Light Box

Experimenting here with a light box.  Lots to learn. Ever used one? Tips?

By the way, what did you think of Trump' proposal for Gaza? Crazy? Unconventional? Dangerous?