Friday, March 29, 2024



Another one of my favorite gardens. This one is behind one of Colonial Williamsburg's taverns and actually sandwiched between buildings so I suspect that it's not always seen by casual passers-by. Only, on this particular day, the tulips seemed to be almost screaming for attention.

Thursday, March 28, 2024



"Symmetry is a defining characteristic feature of Colonial homes. The front door is always centered and bordered by an equal number of windows on either side of the door. The windows are traditionally multi-paned, and the shutters are in contrasting colors." -- Rocket Homes

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Water Wells


"The early wells were hand dug, usually round, though there were some large wells that were dug in a square shape. They varied from three to four feet in diameter up to as large as ten feet or more. They had to be at least big enough for a man to swing a pick. The depth of the wells varied from home to home. Sometimes the settler could go twelve feet and have a good water supply, and other times he might have to go down a hundred feet. He would dig until he hit a seep or a stream of underground water which would supply his need. Then the hole was rocked up to hold and protect the water." -- 'Well, Well, Well" by Joe Jeffrey 

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Spring Garden


One of my favorite Colonial Williamsburg gardens, especially during the spring season.