Saturday, December 24, 2022



Not the most Christmassy of photographs, to be sure. But given the intense cold that so many of us are experiencing right now, I thought it nonetheless appropriate. This is the gunsmith's furnace in Colonial Williamsburg. Most telling, though, is this next photograph taken just moments after the tourists above had left. :-) Stay warm!

Friday, December 23, 2022



I thought those potted Christmas trees with pineapples on top in the background lent a sort of fairyland quality to this Colonial Williamsburg house. Quite apropos, especially considering the weather that is about to move in--freezing temps and high winds. Brr!! Hope you're able to stay warm and dry wherever you are.

By the way, here's a link to some fabulous seasonal music, in case you were looking. :-)

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Grand Illumimation


This was the scene early in the morning at the Governor's Palace this past Saturday as Colonial Williamsburg prepared to celebrate its final Grand Illumination weekend. Crews were setting up the stage for musical performances while a contractor prepared the fireworks in the formal garden located driectly behind the palace.