Saturday, November 9, 2024


Capitol Building
Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia

This photo reminds me of the book I'm reading right now by Henry Mayer entitled A Son of Thunder about Patrick Henry, and including fascinating details about his work as a member of Virginia's House of Burgesses. I can't say my impression of Henry has improved as a result, but I've taken special note of his especially vocal opposition to tyranny and certain burgesses' abuses of power. Makes me think of the abuses that may lay ahead as Republicans now seize full control of both Congress and the White House.

Friday, November 8, 2024


Greensprings Interpretive Trail

Linking again today with Skywatch Friday

Thursday, November 7, 2024

Randolph House

Every fall, I enjoy capturing on camera this oak at the corner of the Peyton Randolph House (built around 1715). Some years it turns brilliant yellow. Other years, like this one, it appears just a little bit more subdued. Still, it's lovely, and provides lots of welcome shade in an otherwise exposed space across from the courthouse commons.

The photo I wish I could show you today, though, is one I didn't think about until too late! That was when I spotted a man yesterday driving through town waving a red Trump hat and shouting how the messiah had come. I kid you not. I flipped him the bird when what I should have done, had I had the presence of mind to do so, was to snap a picture. Next time you can be sure that I'll be ready! 

Reminded me of the time just days after Trump's first successful election when I was in D.C. and witnessed members of an ultra-right wing nationalist party pouring out onto the streets after attending a celebratory luncheon and beating up members of an ultra-left wing demonstrators until D.C. police intervened. I'm afraid this election will almost certainly presage other such acts of violence. 

  • "Don't agonize, organize." -- Nancy Pelosi