Saturday, April 1, 2023


This is no April fools joke! It's spring here in southeast Virginia and I'm definitely feeling it. My nose is stuffy and it feels like someone has wedged a ball of cotton between my ears! BUT, at least the scenery is nice and our local master gardeners are once again hard at work.

Friday, March 31, 2023

Location, Location, Location

This tree on the corner of Boundary and Prince George Street is a photographer's favorite in Williamsburg, partly, I suspect, because it is exceptionally beautiful and partly because it happens to be across the street from one of the town's most popular restaurants. As is true in so many cases, it's all about location, location, location.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

The Dancing Plague


Thanks for yesterday's comments! They were very interesting, especially since I was leaning in the same directions. But I finally chose to read John Waller's book, which turned out to be something different than what I was expecting. I'll not give away the story, for the sake of those of you who might also want to read it. All I will say is that Waller's writing style kept me engaged throughout and, as good nonfiction should do, caused me to reflect more deeply on somewhat similar and more contemporary "dancing plagues."