Friday, January 27, 2023

Popular History?


Started Alison Weir's book last night, the first book of hers that I can remember reading. I suppose it can be described as popular history, although I was intrigued by this snippet from the Wikipedia article about her:

"Weir argues that 'history is not the sole preserve of academics, although I have the utmost respect for those historians who undertake new research and contribute something new to our knowledge. History belongs to us all, and it can be accessed by us all. And if writing it in a way that is accessible and entertaining, as well as conscientiously researched, can be described as popular, then, yes, I am a popular historian, and am proud and happy to be one.'"

Thursday, January 26, 2023

East Gate


Another beautiful if somewhat chilly morning here in the old burg. I especially enjoyed how the morning light fell on the Capitol building's east gate.

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Independence Day


Just finished reading Lopez' book. Took him a long time to figure out for himself whether to retire or not and I won't spoil the ending for you. Better that you should read that for yourself. But along the way he introduces us to a wide variety of interesting folks who either did decide to retire or else chose some other alternative. Worthwhile reading, especially if you or someone you know is contemplating his or her own "Independence Day."