Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Independence Day


Just finished reading Lopez' book. Took him a long time to figure out for himself whether to retire or not and I won't spoil the ending for you. Better that you should read that for yourself. But along the way he introduces us to a wide variety of interesting folks who either did decide to retire or else chose some other alternative. Worthwhile reading, especially if you or someone you know is contemplating his or her own "Independence Day."

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Shingle Oak


One of the many new trees being planted in and around CW after several legacy trees had to be removed. It would be interesting to know why the folks responsible for CW's arboretum chose this particular species as well as why they planted it in this location. I'll have to check the QR code next time I pass. Maybe there is a link to that information there.