Monday, November 28, 2022




Methinks the owners of Hamiltons' have a strong affinity for the color blue. I have to admit that I do too. 

Sunday, November 27, 2022



Hamiltons' not only serves good food, it also has an interesting collection of art. I spotted this oil on canvas painting in--of all places--the men's bathroom. :-)

Saturday, November 26, 2022

Blue Plate


Had lunch yesterday at Hamilton's in Charlottesville and ordered the Vegetarian "Blue Plate" Special. As far as I could figure it was made up of a couple of different kinds of squash pickled radishes, cabbage, carrots, arugula (?), and some things fried (?). Very good. Just right, as Goldilocks would have put it.

How about you? Eat anything new and or different over the Thanksgiving holiday?