Monday, May 16, 2022

First Landing State Park

"The park is where English colonists first landed in 1607. Native American canoes, Colonial settlers, 20th-century schooners and modern cargo ships have navigated the park's waterways. Its cypress swamps were a source of fresh water for merchant mariners, pirates and military ships during the War of 1812. Legend has it that Blackbeard hid in the Narrows area of the park, and interior waterways were used by Union and Confederate patrols during the Civil War. Built in part by an all African-American Civilian Conservation Corps in 1933-1940, the park is a National Natural Landmark and is listed in the National Register of Historic Places." -- Department of Conservation and Recreation


Bald Cypress Trail

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Norfolk Botanical Garden IX

I'll close out this series on my visit to the Norfolk Botanical Garden with this gorgeous iris--always one of my favorite subjects. Hope to visit the garden again soon.