Sunday, February 16, 2025

Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany

And our last service before leaving for Great Britain Tuesday. Last minute instructions, too. 

Be sure to pack your music and vestments in your carry on luggage. 

Make sure you've got ALL your music. 

Make sure you've got your passport.

Chartered bus leaves for Dulles International promptly at 12:45 p.m. Be there!

Saturday, February 15, 2025


Yeah, posting rather late, I know. But I've either been practicing on my own today or rehearsing with the choir this afternoon, all afternoon. By the way, I just learned that they'll be live-streaming the choral evensong at Norwich Cathedral late Thursday afternoon (GMT) and that the service will still be available to download for several days afterward, in case anyone is interested. We'll also be singing for services in Ripon, Ely and Cambridge.

Friday, February 14, 2025


Yeah, so things are beginning to get a little wonky here as I prepare to take off (literally) early next week for Great Britain. Just got a bucketload of new music from the king's land, including the addition of an unexpected evensong engagement at Norwich Cathedral. So, if my posts seem a tad irregular lately, it's because I'm cramming to learn the new music, including the Anglican chant below. I basically have to memorize the latter before I leave. By the way, Psalm 102 has 28 verses! And all of it is in British English, some of which sounds p-r-e-t-t-y funny to our American ears. :-)

Thursday, February 13, 2025

One Penny

I suppose that in the great scheme of things, it really doesn't make much sense (cents?) to create a coin that costs more to make than it's worth. On the other hand, think of the mileage we've gotten out of it. "A penny for your thoughts," my mother used to say. Or two expressions I've used a lot, "worth every penny" and "I bet that cost a pretty penny." Think of all that we've gained culturally from the penny. So would it be being just a bit (!) penny wise and pound foolish to get rid of it? :-)

Wednesday, February 12, 2025


I like these heptagonal coins. Much more interesting than our round ones here in the U. S., although I think I understand how rounds coins can be cheaper to produce and maybe more practical.

The Royal Mint, though,m provides the following rationale for the 50p: 

"The new coin would be the largest denomination in circulation. As such, it required a design that would enable people to easily tell it apart from other coins in their change. However, anything too bulky would weigh down pockets and purses so any prospective design had to be practical as well as distinctive."

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

One Pound

Definitely can still use this coin.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany

If music is indeed food for the soul, then I was well fed yesterday. Sang for two morning services and choral evensong. Almost everything the choirs sang was music that we will be taking with us to England, including a couple of pieces composed especially for us. Busy week ahead as I prepare to be away for a while. Rehearsals, haircut, and a quick trip to the dentist.

Oh, and did you read about Trump ordering the Treasury Department to stop producing pennies?! So will everything now be rounded up or down to the nearest nickel? My bet is that we'll be rounding up. Inflationary? And what will I do now with all the pennies I've got stashed away in various places around the house?

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Half Penny

Going through some of my pocket change left over from my last trip to Great Britain, I came across this half penny from 1935. Very cool, I think. It was one of my favorites. No! It was my absolute favorite coin as a boy growing up in East Anglia, especially after I discovered one buried in my parent's front yard. Treasure!

I'm not sure how I came to have this one. It may be somewhat like the Canadian pennies you occasionally come across here in the United States. Not legal tender. But, hey! What are you going to buy for a penny, much less a half penny, anyway? :-)

Saturday, February 8, 2025

40% Off

So I was told that I will need a pair of dark slacks for a formal dinner at King's College later this month only to discover that the pair I had -- uhm -- were, shall I say, not quite ready for prime time. What to do? 

Fortunately, there was a 40% off sale going on down at Bryant's. But could I have them in time for my departure next week???

"Yes," I was told.,"No problem." And, in fact, they did have them ready for me to pick up yesterday. Actually, they even had them ready the next day. I just couldn't go by to pick them up until yesterday. Whew!

But, hey! I wasn't quite prepared to discover how much more men's clothes cost these days. Sheesh! Even at 40% off!

Friday, February 7, 2025

Van der Kiste

Just finished reading Kiste's book: "In this first biography of the two monarchs for over thirty years, John Van der Kiste provides a lively and accessible account of their lives and times." -- Goodreads

Thursday, February 6, 2025


Yeah, so I'm guessing I wasn't the only one who thought Trump's proposal concerning Gaza an incredibly reckless idea. I mean, it may be one thing to raise something like this in a corporate board meeting where straw man arguments, I presume, are routinely tossed around and out. But it seems to me to be another thing altogether for world leaders to float such arguments, when they can and almost certainly will touch off eternal resentment. 

Wednesday, February 5, 2025

Light Box

Experimenting here with a light box.  Lots to learn. Ever used one? Tips?

By the way, what did you think of Trump' proposal for Gaza? Crazy? Unconventional? Dangerous?

Tuesday, February 4, 2025


Actually, the news about tariffs was just a good excuse to try out this Pilot Retro Pop ballpoint pen and to photograph it in the morning light streaming through my dining room window. A really smooth writer, with a nice wide .1mm tip. Like it much better than the Jetstream ballpoints. But, back to tariffs, I wonder if even ballpoint pens will cost more now. Sheesh! What a crazy world.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Saturday, February 1, 2025


Just bought this Pentel mechanical pencil. Crucially, it fits my choir folder. Choir members are forever marking up their music. First test will be later today for for both a performance and rehearsal.