Monday, March 24, 2025


I'm always interested in the use of candles, especially in sacred spaces, such as here in the St. Julian Chapel in Norwich. If I saw these correctly, they're shorter, say 6", candles mounted atop tapered holders. The use of six candles, according to some sources, is said to represent the ancient Jewish symbol, the Menorah, but with the seventh candle, the central candle, being replaced by the sacrifice of Christ since Christ.

Sunday, March 23, 2025


St. Julian's Chapel in Norwich is open each day of the week for worshippers and visitors as a place of prayer. The Mass is held on Sunday mornings.

Saturday, March 22, 2025

St.Julian's Font

The octagonal baptismal font in the St. Julian's Chapel in Norwich, according to Wikipedia, is "a replacement for the original one, which was lost when the church was bombed. The current font was moved from the now redundant All Saints' Church, Norwich in 1977. It has eight standing figures representing the Apostles, Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint George, and two other saints."

Friday, March 21, 2025

St. Julian's


"St Julian's is a Grade I listed parish church in the Church of England in Norwich, England. It is part of the Diocese of Norwich. During the Middle Ages, when the city was prosperous and possibly the second largest city in medieval England, the anchoress Julian of Norwich lived in a cell attached to the church. The cell was demolished during the 1530s.

Due to a lack of funds, the church slowly became dilapidated during the 18th century. It underwent a restoration after one side of the building collapsed in 1845. The tower, also in danger of collapsing, was repaired in 1934. In June 1942, St Julian's received a direct hit during the Norwich Blitz. The only one of the four churches destroyed in Norwich during World War II that was rebuilt, it reopened in 1953." -- Wikipedia